Due to the ongoing circumstances, and the smaller size of our clinic, we are currently operating under curbside protocol. When you call in to schedule your appointment, you will be sent a confirmation email to the email address you provide us. Attached to this confirmation email, is a small questionnaire that we do require to be filled out ahead of your pet coming inside with us. This way we will have as much information as possible, as we are not able to ask you questions throughout our examination. If you are not able to fill the questionnaire out online, we are happy to provide you with a hard copy when you arrive for your appointment.

Upon your arrival, we ask that you remain in your vehicle and contact us at 1 of 2 numbers: please CALL 905-679-6739, or TEXT 905-515-6750, this text number is located on signs in front of each parking lot out front. We ask that you please do not leave a message on our voicemail when arriving for an appointment, as we cannot guarantee that we will be able to receive it right away. We ask instead that you either text the cell phone number, or try to call again and speak with someone. The receptionist will then collect some information from you over the phone, including; vehicle make and model, payment method, and if the questionnaire is complete, among other things. Our goal is to see all of our clients and patients on time, and although we have contingencies, there will be times when the unexpected will create delays. We will ensure these are minimized as much as possible.

Next, one of our lovely Registered Veterinary Technicians (RVT) will be out to collect your furry friend. At your vehicle, they will confirm the information that is on the questionnaire, and why you have brought your pet in to see us. The technician will then bring your pet into the clinic, where he or she will be thoroughly examined by 1 of our 3 wonderful Veterinarians in the clinic. After the Doctor has finished her examination, she will either call you from inside, or come and meet you at your vehicle to discuss her findings, answer your questions and plan further diagnostics or treatment as necessary. You will normally see the RVT again to wrap things up, and she will provide you with the further educational information and answer routine wellness and care questions for you.

Please wait until someone brings out an invoice to your vehicle, to confirm that you are all set and the appointment is finished. At this point we will either collect payment over the machine, or give you a hard copy of your invoice and confirm that we are charging your credit card that has previously been saved to the file.

We ask that during these odd times, everyone is considerate of appointment times and weather conditions. We have unfortunately had to put in place both a late fee, and a no show fee for the necessary appointments which we have not been given any notice of changes. As well, if it is raining or snowing while our Doctors or technicians are speaking with you outside, we would greatly appreciate if any questions or concerns can be formulated into an email or phone call 🙂

We are excited to meet & care for your pet(s), you and your family!