T minus 7 days until our big rescue trip! This time around it has a bit of different look! Ever since the several extreme errors by United Airlines earlier this year, involving transport of animals, it is next to impossible to rescue dogs out of Belize. When I say impossible, I mean financially impossible. I’m talking $3000 per dog! So of course, nothing to me is impossible :).

We are calling it “Glanbrook Freedom Ride 2018”. On Tuesday October 2nd, myself, my motivated and compassionate daughter Lucy, my extremely supportive Mom, and my lovely assistant Karen, have rented an RV and we are headed for Miami, Florida! Yep! We have rented a 31 ft. motorhome, and we are travelling to Miami to pick up 14 dogs from SAGA.

These 14 dogs in search of a new home, will travel from the SAGA shelter is the wee hours of the morning on Thursday October 4th. They will travel under the supervision of Ingrid, super tech, to a boat on the shores of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. From there, they will travel 2 to 3 hours on water, to the mainland, Belize City. They will be taken from there, by taxi, to the airport, where they will board a plane which will take them to Miami International Airport. That is where we get them!!! 10 of these beauties will be dropped off in Niagara, at a shelter in the northern U.S. 3 already have homes here in Canada (Butter, Athena, and Clover), and 1 will be coming to Glanbrook to find a home 🙂

We will collect them all and load them into the RV and start our journey home! Yes….we have tonnes of poop bags and food packed. Karen has even put together a little medical kit for me to use if necessary.

We also have ear plugs :). However I suspect that these lovely animals will be quiet with anticipation. I can’t wait to snuggle them all and assure them that they are on their way! On their way to freedom.

Our complete journey should take us 5 days….maybe 6. Lucy already has her bunk picked out above the drivers seat….obviously when we are stopped 🙂 My mom has a shopping list, and essentials already packed. Karen has our route mapped out, and stops planned for sleeping.

I am so excited……not sure I will be able to sleep at all this week as we plan the final details. I am monitoring the hurricane activity on the Atlantic every 5 seconds……ok maybe every few hours….praying that the Atlantic gives us a break so that we can get those doggies home.

I will be blogging our journey for you all. So stay tuned, and think positive thoughts that the weather stays clear, and everything falls into place. It’s going to be a trip to remember for us and especially for the dogs!